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Group Journeying

Guided journeying in small groups of 2-5 people.  This technique allows clients to take a more active role in the work by taking part in a guided journey.


I am planning to start guided journey work for small groups when I find a venue. Get in touch if you are interested in learning more or have a venue I could use.

What is journeying?

Shamanic journeying is a technique used by shamans and shamanic practitioners to take their consciousness to a non-ordinary reality / dreamlike state. In this state they are able to encounter beings, spirits and situations they wouldn't encounter in what we consider ordinary reality. While the journeying done by a shamanic practitioner should not be done with out proper training, the journeying done in these group sessions is very gentle and done within a safe construct.  It is no more complicated than performing a guided meditation.  

What to expect

You will need to sit or lie in a comfortable position, very similar to how you would position yourself if meditating. You may want to bring a yoga mat, cushions, blankets or other equipment you would normally use while meditating.  Sitting in a chair is perfectly fine if that is what you find most comfortable. 

Once everyone is confortable we will begin the journey. While the journey description will be the same for everyone, the experience will unique for each person. For example, if we come to part of the journey where we release negative energy, the images and feelings that come up will be unique to each person.  The journey will take 20-30 minutes. 

Some people feel full of energy afterwards and need to move, other people may feel deeply relaxed and want to lie still for 20-30 minutes afterwards. For this reason we should book the venue for 1.5 hours. After the journey is complete participants are then invited to move quietly to another room

or lie still and relax for a while.   If participants have fallen asleep I may gently shake a rattle or play

a drum to indicate that the journey is complete.

If individuals in the group wish to, we can discuss the experiences afterwards. However, the journey can be a very private experience and there is no obligation to talk about if you do not wish to. I wish to create an environment in which everyone's needs are met and privacy is respected.


This basis for these types of journeys was developed and taught to me by Simon Chamberlain at the Nordic School of Shamanism. 

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